If you weigh 80 kilograms, then you would divide 80 by 2.31 and your result would be a BMI of 34.6.
Its a good way to gauge whether your weight is in healthy proportion to your height. For example, 1.52 multiplied by 1.52 equals 2.31. Your BMI is a measurement that is a ratio of your weight and height. Then, find your BMI by squaring your height in meters and then dividing your weight by your height in meters squared. For example, 152 centimeters equals 1.52 meters. Another option is to simply change your height in centimeters to meters by moving the decimal two places to the left.It is calculated by dividing your weight in kilograms (kg) by. The approximate BMI for this person would be 26. The body mass index is a physical measurement used to assess your total amount of body fat. Multiply this number by 10,000 and you get 25.96 or about 26. For example, if your weight in kilograms is 60 and your height in centimeters is 152, then you would divide 60 by 152, by 152 (60 / 152 / 152) for an answer of 0.002596.of Health and Human Services Go to source X Trustworthy Source Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Main public health institute for the US, run by the Dept. Body mass index (BMI) calculator measures body fat based on your height and weight, find out if your fat ratio is in. This equation is your weight in kilograms divided by your height in centimeters, then divided again by your height in centimeters, and then multiplied by 10,000. You can still calculate your BMI if your height is in centimeters, but you will need to use a slightly different equation to do so. Plug in your weight in pounds and your height in inches. Use an extended equation if your height is in centimeters. To calculate your BMI, use this equation: BMI weight / (height X height) X 703.